The Mod_Rexx interface constructs some Rexx variables prior to the start of the Rexx program. Others are constructed during a call to an external Rexx function (these are noted in their descriptions). Note that if a variable has no valid value then it is assigned a zero-length string.
The program TEST.REX is a short example of what can be done with the Mod_Rexx interface. All available Rexx variables set by the interface start with 'WWW' and are used in the TEST.REX program.
Rexx Variable | Contents |
WWWARGS.0 | This is the number of arguments passed to the Rexx program by a GET or PUT
HTTP request.
Note: This variable is only valid after a call to the Rexx external function WWWGetArgs. |
This is the list of arguments passed to the Rexx program. If this is a GET
request then this is the list of QUERY_STRING name=value pairs in the URI. If
this is a POST request then this is the list of POST variable name=value pairs.
In addition, the array is also available through Rexx variable indirection i.e. if WWWARGS.1.!NAME = 'hiddenfield' then WWWARGS.'hiddenfield' = WWWARGS.1.!VALUE. Note that the case of the variable in the HTML document and the case of the Rexx variable stem tail are significant. Note: This variable stem array is only valid after a call to the Rexx external function WWWGetArgs. |
WWWAUTH_TYPE | This is the authentication method. |
WWWCONTENT_LENGTH | This is the length of the data buffer sent by the client. |
WWWCONTENT_TYPE | This is content type of the passed data. |
WWWCOOKIES.0 | This is the number of cookies passed to the Rexx program.
Note: This variable is only valid after a call to the Rexx external function WWWGetCookies. |
This is the list name=value cookie pairs passed to the Rexx program.
In addition, the array is also available through Rexx variable indirection i.e. if WWWCOOKIES.1.!NAME = 'SESSION_ID' then WWWCOOKIES.'sessionid' = WWWCOOKIES.1.!VALUE. Note that the case of the variable in the cookie and the case of the Rexx variable stem tail are significant. Note: This variable stem array is only valid after a call to the Rexx external function WWWGetCookies. |
WWWDEFAULT_TYPE | This is the value of the DefaultType directive or text/plain if not configured. |
WWWFILENAME | This is the fully qualified path and filename which has been translated from the URI passed to the server. |
WWWFNAMETEMPLATE | This is the temporary filename template that will be passed to Mod_Rexx.
It specifies the fully qualified path and filename template
for producing a temporary Rexx file at a specified location. Apache
needs to have write access to the specified file and directory.
The format and rules for the template are the same as for the Rexx external function SysTempFileName(). See the Rexx Reference manual for more information. |
WWWGATEWAY_INTERGACE | This is the name and version of the gateway interface. |
WWWHOSTNAME | This is the hostname in the URI. |
WWWHTTP_USER_ACCEPT | This is a list of the Mime types the browser client will accept. |
WWWHTTP_USER_AGENT | This is the browser type and version used by the client. |
WWWIS_MAIN_REQUEST | 1 if this is an initial request or for requests triggered by internal
redirects, 0 for subrequests.
Note: Because of a limitation imposed in the Mod_Rexx package, the value of this variable will always be 1. |
WWWPATH_INFO | This is the filename of the script. |
WWWPATH_TRANSLATED | This is the fully qualified path and filename of the script. |
WWWPOST_STRING | If the WWWREQUESTTYPE is "POST" then this is the unparsed name/value pairs
read from the browser. Otherwise this variable is a zero-length string.
Note: This variable is only valid after a call to the Rexx external function WWWGetArgs. |
WWWQUERY_STRING | If the WWWREQUESTTYPE is "GET" then this is the unparsed QUERY_STRING portion of the URI. Otherwise this variable is a zero-length string. |
WWWREMOTE_ADDR | This is the TCP/IP address of the requesting host. |
WWWREMOTE_HOST | This is the DNS name of the requesting host (if available). |
WWWREMOTE_IDENT | This is the remote user name. |
WWWREMOTE_USER | This is the authenticated username. |
WWWREQUEST_METHOD | This is the request method, usually either "GET" or "POST". |
WWWRSPCOMPILER | This is the name of the Rexx RSP compiler program. |
WWWSCRIPT_NAME | This is the fully qualified URI path and name of the script. If an RSP file was requested this is the fully qualified URI path and name of the RSP file. |
WWWSERVER_NAME | This is the host name of the server. |
WWWSERVER_ROOT | This is the HTTP server's root path. |
WWWSERVER_PORT | This is the server's port number. |
WWWSERVER_PROTOCOL | This is the request HTTP protocol version. |
WWWSERVER_SOFTWARE | This is the name and version of the WWW server software. |
WWWUNPARSEDURI | This is the unparsed portion of the request URI. |
WWWURI | This is the entire request URI. |
In addition, you can create additional initialized Rexx variables by using the RexxSetVar directive in the httpd.conf file.
You can include as many RexxSetVar directives as you need. They will all be initialized prior to the start of the Rexx script. Additional information can be found in the RexxSetVar directive documentation.
Copyright (C) W. David Ashley 2004. All Rights Reserved. |