Rexx Apache External Functions
The following are the Apache functions available to the Rexx programmer.
Each of these external functions is automatically available at program startup.
The Rexx programmer does not have to register them before using them.
Table of Contents
General Functions
WWWAddCookie - Set a new cookie to be returned to the browser
WWWConstruct_URL - Return a URL from the specified path
WWWEscape_Path - Convert pathmame to a properly escaped URL
WWWGetArgs - Get the GET/POST request arguments
WWWGetCookies - Get the GET/POST request cookies
WWWGetVersion - Get the Mod_Rexx version string
WWWHTTP_time - Return the current RFC 822/1123 time
WWWInternal_Redirect - Create a new request from the specified URI
WWWLogError - Log an error message to the Apache log file
WWWLogInfo - Log an informational message to the Apache log file
WWWLogWarning - Log a warning message to the Apache log file
WWWRun_Sub_Req - Run an Apache subrequest
WWWSendHTTPHeader - Set the MIME content and send the HTTP header
WWWSetHeaderValue - Set a new value for an existing cookie
WWWSub_Req_Lookup_File - Run a subrequest on a filename
WWWSub_Req_Lookup_URI - Run a subrequest on a URI
Apache Request Record Functions
WWWReqRecConnection - Return the Connection Record pointer
WWWReqRecNext - Return the next request record pointer
WWWReqRecPrev - Return the previous request record pointer
WWWReqRecMain - Return the main request record pointer
WWWReqRecIsMain - Returns 1 if this is the main request
WWWReqRecThe_request - Return the request
WWWReqRecProxyreq - Returns 1 if this is a proxy request
WWWReqRecServer - Return the Server Record pointer
WWWReqRecHeader_only - Always returns 0
WWWReqRecProtocol - Returns the request HTTP protocol
WWWReqRecStatus_line - Returns/sets the status line field
WWWReqRecStatus - Returns/sets the status field
WWWReqRecMethod - Returns/sets the method field
WWWReqRecMethod_number - Returns/sets the method number field
WWWReqRecAllowed - Returns/sets the allowed field
WWWReqRecBytes_sent - Returns the bytes sent field
WWWReqRecHeader_in - Returns/sets values in the bytes headers in field
WWWReqRecHeader_out - Returns/sets values in the bytes headers out field
WWWReqRecErr_header_out - Returns/sets values in the bytes error headers out field
WWWReqRecSubprocess_env - Returns/sets values in the subprocess environment
WWWReqRecNotes - Returns/sets values in the notes
WWWReqRecContent_type - Returns/sets the content type field
WWWReqRecContent_encoding - Returns/sets the content encoding field
WWWReqRecHandler - Returns/sets the handler field
WWWReqRecContent_languages - Returns/sets the content languages field
WWWReqRecNo_cache - Returns/sets the no_cache field
WWWReqRecUri - Returns/sets the URI field
WWWReqRecFilename - Returns/sets the filename field
WWWReqRecPath_info - Returns/sets the path_info field
WWWReqRecArgs - Returns the args field
WWWReqRecFinfo_stmode - Returns the finfo stmode field
WWWReqRecUsern - Return the user login name
WWWReqRecAuth_type - Return the authentication type
Apache Server Record Functions
WWWSrvRecServer_admin - Returns the server admin email address
WWWSrvRecServer_hostname - Returns the server hostname
WWWSrvRecPort - Returns the server listening port
WWWSrvRecIs_virtual - Returns non-zero if this is a virtual server
Apache Connection Record Functions
WWWCnxRecAborted - Return 0 if a timeout occured
General Functions
Sets a new value for an existing cookie in the returned HTTP request header.
Rexx Function Prototype
call WWWAddCookie(r, cookie_value);
Function Parameters
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- cookie_value
- The value of the cookie. No check is performed on the validity of the
cookie value. This function should be called prior to the SendHTTPHeader
Construct a fully qualified URL from the path specified.
Rexx Function Prototype
URL = WWWConstruct_URL(r, path);
Function Parameters
- escURL
- The path cnverted to a fully qualified URL based on the current request
record (r).
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- path
- The filesystem pathname.
Takes a filesystem pathname and converts it into a properly escaped URI.
If the partial flag is 0 then the function will a (/) to the beginning of the URI,
otherwise a (/) will not be added.
This function does NOT convert spaces to (+) signs. This action should be performed
after a call to this function.
Rexx Function Prototype
escURI = WWWEscape_Path(r, path, partial);
Function Parameters
- escURI
- The path cnverted to a properly escaped URL.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- path
- The filesystem pathname.
- partial
- If the partial flage is 0 then a (/) will be added to the beginning of the
returned escURL unless the path already begins with a slash(/).
Otherwise a (/) will not be added.
Returns the GET/POST request arguments.
Note: This function is NOT optional and must appear in your Rexx script.
Rexx Function Prototype
call WWWGetArgs r
/* WWWARGS.0 now contains the number of arguments */
Function Parameters
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
The GET query string arguments or the passed POST arguments can be accessed
using the following example. The name/value pairs are stored in a Rexx stem array.
call WWWGetArgs r
say 'The number of arguments is' wwwargs.0'.'
do i = 1 to wwwcookies.0
say 'WWWARGS.'i'.NAME ='
say 'WWWARGS.'i'.VALUE =' wwwargs.i.value
Calling WWWGetArgs more than one time per Apache request can cause major problems
including catastrophic errors with the Apache server. ONLY CALL WWWGETARGS ONE TIME
Returns the cookies passed from the browser.
Rexx Function Prototype
call WWWGetCookies r
/* WWWCOOKIES.0 contains the number of cookies */
Function Parameters
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
The cookies can be accessed
using the following example. The name/value pairs are stored in a Rexx stem array.
call WWWGetCookies r
say 'The number of cookies is' wwwcookies.0'.'
do i = 1 to wwwcookies.0
say 'WWWCOOKIES.'i'.VALUE =' wwwcookies.i.value
Returns the Mod_Rexx module version string.
Rexx Function Prototype
version = WWWGetVersion();
/* version = "Mod_Rexx/1.01 Jun 06 2001 09:23:11" */
Function Parameters
Returns the time/date formatted per RFC 822 and 1123.
Rexx Function Prototype
timestamp = WWWHTTP_time(r);
/* timestamp = "Tue 15 Sep 1998 14:36:31 GMT" */
Function Parameters
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Creates a new request from the indicated URI and then runs it.
Rexx Function Prototype
call WWWInternal_Redirect uri, r;
Function Parameters
- uri
- The URI to use in creating the subrequest.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Places a error level message in the server's error log.
Rexx Function Prototype
call WWWLogError r, message
Function Parameters
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- message
- The message to be placed in the error log.
Places a informational level message in the server's error log.
Rexx Function Prototype
call WWWLogInfo r, message
Function Parameters
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- message
- The message to be placed in the error log.
Places a warning level message in the server's error log.
Rexx Function Prototype
call WWWLogWarning r, message
Function Parameters
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- message
- The message to be placed in the error log.
Returns the return code from running the handlers for a subrequest.
Warning!!! During subrequest processing none of the Rexx handlers
will be invoked. They will always DECLINE the request.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWRun_Sub_Req(r);
Function Parameters
- retc
- The return code from the subrequest.
- r
- The Apache subrequest handle.
Sets the mime content-type and then sends the headers to the browser.
Note: This function is NOT optional and must appear in your Rexx script.
Rexx Function Prototype
return_code = WWWSendHTTPHeader(r, type);
Function Parameters
- return_code
- The return code from the Apache function
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- type
- The content-type. Usually this will be the string "text/html"
Sets a new value for an existing cookie in the returned HTTP request header.
Rexx Function Prototype
call WWWSetHeaderValue(r, key, value);
Function Parameters
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- key
- The header key to be replaced.
- value
- The value to be applied to the header key.
This function should be called prior to the SendHTTPHeader function.
Returns the resulting request record pointer from a subrequest from the given
Rexx Function Prototype
subrec = WWWSub_Req_Lookup_File(file, r);
Function Parameters
- subreq
- The subrequest record pointer
- file
- The filename to use in creating the subrequest.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Returns the resulting request record pointer from a subrequest from the given URI.
Rexx Function Prototype
subrec = WWWSub_Req_Lookup_URI(uri, r);
Function Parameters
- subreq
- The subrequest record pointer
- uri
- The URI to use in creating the subrequest.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Apache Request Record Functions
Returns the Connection Record Pointer.
Rexx Function Prototype
connxrecptr = WWWReqRecConnection(r);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- connxrecptr
- The Connection Record pointer.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Returns the Server Record Pointer.
Rexx Function Prototype
srvrrecptr = WWWReqRecServer(r);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- srvrrecptr
- The Server Record pointer.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Returns a Request Record Pointer. This is used during subrequest processing
Rexx Function Prototype
reqrecptr = WWWReqRecNext(r);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- reqrecptr
- The next Request Record pointer.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Returns a Request Record Pointer. This is used during subrequest processing
Rexx Function Prototype
reqrecptr = WWWReqRecPrev(r);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- reqrecptr
- The previous Request Record pointer.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Returns a Request Record Pointer. This is used during subrequest processing
Rexx Function Prototype
reqrecptr = WWWReqRecMain(r);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- reqrecptr
- The main Request Record pointer.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Returns 1 if this is the main Request Record, otherwise returns 0.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecIsMain(r);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- 1 if this is the main request, otherwise 0.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Returns a copy of the request.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecThe_request(r);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The request.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Returns 1 if this is a proxy request, otherwise returns 0.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecProxyreq(r);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- 1 if this is a proxy request, otherwise 0.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Always returns 0 because Mod_Rexx processes header only requests.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecHeader_only(r);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- Always 0.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Returns a copy of the protocol string.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecProtocol(r);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- Protocol string (like "HTTP/1.0").
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Returns/sets the status line returned to the browser.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecStatus_line(r [, newstatusline]);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The status line.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- newstatusline
- The new string to be assigned to the status line field.
Returns/sets the status.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecStatus(r [, newstatus]);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The status.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- newstatus
- The new numeric value to be assigned to the status field.
Returns/sets the method.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecMethod(r [, newmethod]);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The method string.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- newmethod
- The new string to be assigned to the method ("GET", "POST", etc) field.
Returns/sets the method number.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecMethod_number(r [, newmethodnum]);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The method number.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- newmethodnum
- The new numeric value to be assigned to the method number field.
Returns/sets the allowed methods for the handler.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecAllowed(r [, newallowednum]);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The allowed number (bit field).
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- newallowednum
- The new numeric value to be assigned to the allowed field.
Returns the number of document body bytes sent to the browser so far.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecBytes_sent(r);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The number of bytes sent so far.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Returns/sets incoming HTTP headers.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecHeader_in(r, key [, newvalue]);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The value of the header field.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- key
- The name of the header field to return/set.
- newvalue
- The new value to assign to the header key name.
Sets outgoing HTTP headers.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecHeader_out(r, key, value);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The value of the header field.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- key
- The name of the header field to set.
- newvalue
- The new value assigned to the header key name.
Returns/sets outgoing error HTTP headers.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecErr_header_out(r, key [, newvalue]);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The value of the header field.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- key
- The name of the header field to return/set.
- newvalue
- The new value to assign to the header key name.
Returns/sets subprocess environment variables.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecSubprocess_env(r, key [, newvalue]);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The value of the environment field.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- key
- The name of the environment variable to return/set.
- newvalue
- The new value to assign to the environment variable.
Returns/sets process notes variables.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecNotes(r, key [, newvalue]);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The value of the notes field.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- key
- The name of the notes variable to return/set.
- newvalue
- The new value to assign to the notes variable.
Returns/sets the MIME content type.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecContent_type(r [, newvalue]);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The value of the content type field.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- newvalue
- The new value to assign to the content type field.
Returns/sets the content encoding.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecContent_type(r [, newvalue]);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The value of the content encoding field.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- newvalue
- The new value to assign to the content encoding field.
Returns/sets the handler.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecHandler(r [, newvalue]);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The value of the handler field.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- newvalue
- The new value to assign to the handler field.
Returns/sets the content languages field.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecContent_languages(r [, newvalue]);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The value of the content languages field.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- newvalue
- The new value to assign to the content languages field.
Returns/sets the value of the no_cache field.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecNo_cache(r [, newvalue]);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The value of the no_cache field (0 or 1).
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- newvalue
- The new value (0 or 1) to assign to the no_cache field.
Returns/sets the request URI field.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecUri(r [, newvalue]);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The value of the URI field.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- newvalue
- The new value to assign to the URI field.
Returns/sets the request filename field.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecFilename(r [, newvalue]);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The value of the filename field.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- newvalue
- The new value to assign to the filename field.
Returns/sets the request path_info field.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecPath_info(r [, newvalue]);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The value of the path_info field.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
- newvalue
- The new value to assign to the path_info field.
Returns the request args field.
Rexx Function Prototype
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The value of the args field.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Returns the request stat finfo field as a string of 1's and 0's.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecFinfo_stmode(r);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The value of the stat finfo field.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Returns the user's login name.
Rexx Function Prototype
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The user's login name.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Returns the authentication method (if used).
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWReqRecAuth_type(r);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The authentication method.
- r
- The Apache request handle. This is passed to the Rexx program as arg(1).
Apache Server Record Functions
Returns the email address of the server administrator.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWSrvRecServer_admin(s);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The server administrator email address.
- s
- The Apache server pointer.
You can get this value from the WWWReqRecServer Rexx external function.
Returns the server's hostname.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWSrvRecServer_hostname(s);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The server's hostname.
- s
- The Apache server pointer.
You can get this value from the WWWReqRecServer Rexx external function.
Returns the server's listening port.
Rexx Function Prototype
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The server's listening port.
- s
- The Apache server pointer.
You can get this value from the WWWReqRecServer Rexx external function.
Returns 0 if this is a virtual server.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWSrvRecIs_virtual(s);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- Returns 0 if this is a virtual server, otherwise returns non-zero value.
- s
- The Apache server pointer.
You can get this value from the WWWReqRecServer Rexx external function.
Apache Connection Record Functions
Returns 1 if a timeout has occured, otherwise returns 0.
Rexx Function Prototype
retc = WWWCnxRecAborted(c);
Function Parameters and Return Values
- retc
- The timeout indicator.
- c
- The Apache connection pointer.
You can get this value from the WWWReqRecConnection Rexx external function.
Copyright (C) W. David Ashley 2004. All Rights Reserved.